Prime Video’s new animated comedy Fairfax takes aim at the world of streetwear culture and is set in its epicenter: Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles. The show follows four middle school students who idolize the world of hypebeasts and influencers and will stop at nothing to cop the latest drop from their favorite brand: Latrine. (a satirical take on hype brand Supreme, if you’re normcore like that.)
To launch the show, we took the animated Fairfax to the IRL avenue with irreverent OOH and wild postings, all “tastefully” censored with the Latrine logo. On social, we gave Latrine a finsta filled with merch from the show like the “Dr. Phil Box Tee” alongside absurd things we made up, like Ed Sheeran’s Fart in a Jar.
Hey, with enough hype, you can sell anything.